Monday, May 12, 2014

Respect Yourself.....

Ladies and Gentlemen, you are used to me writing about fashion and accessories and I will continue bringing those topics but its time for a change. The new title of the blog is called Speak Ya Mind Nicki E'. It stands out because as some may know I am outspoken when it comes to certain topics. NOW its time to get real.. and start talking about topics.

Is Black History, American History? Black History Month is supposed to celebrate our ancestors, triumphs, rights, but we can't love one another. We're killing our sisters and brothers over foolishness. WHY????? Reality shows, which are scripted and doesn't show the truth of people in the entertainment industry. These shows represent women and men in a misguided light. If we could go back to the days of shows that shed a light on issues or topics that related to the our community. Whether it's dating, living with your significant other, race, career, self love, and RESPECT.

Now or days our selves don't care what comes to head or mouth. WHY????? Why do you call someone a B**** or N****. These terms weren't taken lightly before freedom. Everybody wants to blame the other party (the ones who brought us over from our native land) which is true. Blacks do not accept  take criticisms well they think its an attack. People are always going to say or do something wrong.  If a person doesn't make a change or correct then the situation will not get better.